“Treatment of Ideomotor Apraxia”: This is a chapter in the book “Apraxia: The Cognitive side of motor control” by Georg Goldenberg (2013). Goldenberg is a prominent researcher in the field of apraxia and has written extensively about it.
“Graded motor imagery for pathologic pain: A randomized controlled trial” (Moseley, 2006): This paper discusses the use of graded motor imagery in managing pain, but the techniques are also relevant to apraxia.
“Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: a new family of techniques with broad application to physical rehabilitation–a clinical review” (Taub, Uswatte, & Pidikiti, 1999): This paper discusses Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), a method used in various motor disorders, including apraxia.
“Cueing and Gait Improvement Among People With Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis” (Lim, et al., 2005): Although this paper focuses on Parkinson’s Disease, the cueing techniques discussed are often used in apraxia treatment as well.
“Errorless learning and spaced retrieval: How do these methods fare in healthy and clinical populations?” (Kessels & de Haan, 2003): This paper reviews errorless learning, a technique that can be used in apraxia therapy.
1981 :長崎市生まれ 2003 :国家資格取得後(作業療法士)、高知県の近森リハビリテーション病院 入職 2005 :順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 入職 2012~2014:イギリス(マンチェスター2回,ウェールズ1回)にてボバース上級講習会修了 2015 :約10年間勤務した順天堂医院を退職 2015 :都内文京区に自費リハビリ施設 ニューロリハビリ研究所「STROKE LAB」設立 脳卒中/脳梗塞、パーキンソン病などの神経疾患の方々のリハビリをサポート 2017: YouTube 「STROKE LAB公式チャンネル」「脳リハ.com」開設 現在計 4万人超え 2022~:株式会社STROKE LAB代表取締役に就任 【著書,翻訳書】 近代ボバース概念:ガイアブックス (2011) エビデンスに基づく脳卒中後の上肢と手のリハビリテーション:ガイアブックス (2014) エビデンスに基づく高齢者の作業療法:ガイアブックス (2014) 新 近代ボバース概念:ガイアブックス (2017) 脳卒中の動作分析:医学書院 (2018) 脳卒中の機能回復:医学書院 (2023)